There are endless beautiful things to see and see in the world and mother nature, and there is nothing better than seeing them all with your own eyes. There is nothing better than looking at the surroundings, especially in a car. So, here are 15 must-see places for anyone who likes to travel by car.
1. Red Beach - China

Located in China’s Liaoning Province, this beach is covered in red and yellow algae in the spring. Although you can’t camp in this place, driving by the car road next to it will make a wonderful impression.
2. National Highway 22 - India

This road, built next to Himachal mountain in India, is considered the most dangerous in the world. Only two vehicles can pass on this road, and vehicles larger than passenger cars are prohibited. But for those who like to release their adrenaline, I recommend going here. If you like adventure, choose this route.
3. Stelvio Gorge - Italy

To get down to this 1,700-meter-deep canyon in Italy, you have no choice but to use a narrow car road. In the summer, adventure seekers cycle through the Stelvio Gorge, which attracts thousands of tourists every year.
4. Seven Mile Bridge - USA

This 11 km long giant structure is located in Monroe County, Florida, USA. At the time of its construction, the bridge was the longest bridge in the world.
5. Desert Road - UAE

If you want to travel through the endless sea of sand, try this route.
6. Zuluk Road - India

This ancient road, which was part of the Silk Road, is 30 km long and has a total of 100 bends. Now you need a special permit to drive this road.
7. Xinshan Expressway - China

The expressway built on Xinshan Lake was considered one of the most beautiful places in the world. Thousands of tourists come from all over the world to experience the beauty of nature.
8. Highway 12 - USA

Many movies have been shot on the highway in Utah, USA. This is due to the fact that there is a beautiful desert like a fairy tale. If you want to see a beautiful desert, go to this place.
9. Ruta Nacional 40 - Argentina

If you travel along this road built near the Andes Mountains, you can experience the beauty of nature in its entirety, including the sea, the desert, and the mountains.
10. Guy's Road - France

This causeway connects the French island of Nurmatur with the mainland at sea level. When you drive this road, which is only exposed for 4-5 hours a day, you will get the feeling of driving over the ocean.
11. Gotthard Road - Switzerland

There are those who say that riding this trail in the foothills of Switzerland’s Tremola is better than riding in the Alps.
12. Forgotten Path - New Zealand

One of the oldest car roads in the world, people who have tried this road get the feeling of “scary yet fun, just like riding a roller coaster.”
13. Atlantic Road - Norway

In 2005, this development was named “The Best of the Century” and is a road connecting eight small islands. You can see everything you want from dense forests, beaches, towns, and villages in a very short time by driving the Atlantic Road.
14. Great Ocean Road - Australia

Built-in memory of soldiers who died in World War I, this road is considered one of the most beautiful sea roads in the world.
15. Ring Road - Iceland

People who have traveled this route can see incredible things such as volcanoes, icebergs, forests, waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, and the aurora borealis.